Public Hygiene Council

Keep Singapore Clean


Keep Clean, Singapore! 2019 launched

Apr 28, 2019

The Keep Clean, Singapore! (KCS) 2019 was launched on 28 April 2019 at Bedok Town Square to celebrate the collective efforts of keeping Singapore Clean and reaffirm our commitment to achieve a clean, green and sustainable environment for all to live, work and play. This year, the emphasis is on the value of taking personal responsibility while encouraging a positive attitude towards keeping shared public spaces clean.

Besides raising awareness of potential issues like the risk of diseases and pests if littering is left unchecked, the campaign also amplifies the issue of a diminishing pool of cleaners. PHC delivered the critical message that everyone must take ownership of the cleanliness of public spaces and correct the prevailing attitude that it is someone else’s job to clean up after us.

Graced by Minister Masagos Zulkifli, the Launch kick-started a month-long activation with more than 450 partner organisations conducting over 730 cleanups across Singapore.

The KCS launch was graced by Minister Masagos Zulkifli

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The KCS launch to kick-start the month-long clean-up activation

RISE partners
The formation of R.I.S.E. – an acronym for Reach-Inspire-Synergise-Empower demonstrates that the Keep Singapore Clean Movement is gaining strength and momentum

SBS partners

12 residential estates have committed to becoming a Sustainable Bright Spot where they encourage residents to take strong ownership of the cleanliness of their extended living spaces