Public Hygiene Council

Keep Singapore Clean

Initiatives & Programmes


Pledge to Clean It Forward

From 1 July 2023 to 28 April 2024. Join the Public Hygiene Council to take action by cleaning up Singapore as an individual or in a group.
You can make a difference. Pledge to Clean It Forward and show commitment to keep Singapore clean!
Simply go for a walk or a jog with tongs, gloves and trash bags to pick up litter
Track your impact through the Stridy App so that you can track what you have contributed for the environment 
  • Distance covered
  • Amount and Types of Trash Collected
Share your pledge on social media with the hashtag #CleanItForward #4aBetterSG and inspire others to start their journey in keeping Singapore clean.
Look out for more details on PHC social media pages (handle: @KeepSGClean) on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok.

Take action now. Stride anytime, anywhere!